Version History Notes for TBRAC-2024 ================================== 6.02.0012 - 11/25/2024 PM o Reports - Adjustments 6.02.0011 - 11/19/2024 PM o Reports - Adjustments o Library Updates 6.02.0009 - 11/05/2024 PM o Computations - Adjustments o Performance improvements o Installer Updates o Library Updates 6.02.0008 - 10/22/2024 PM o Computations - Adjustments o Reports - Adjustments 6.02.0007 - 10/21/2024 PM o Brackets - Misc Adjustments o Reports - Misc Adjustments o Results - Display adjustments o Sidepots - Misc Adjustments 6.02.0006 - 09/18/2024 PM o Brackets - Misc Adjustments o Registration - Misc Adjustments 6.02.0005 - 09/17/2024 AM o Brackets - Checking min/max average caps o Registrations - Checking bracket rules for contraints 6.02.0004 - 09/12/2024 PM o Prizes - UX Adjustments with Magnification enabled o Recompute - Adjustments for finalized prizes o Results - UX Adjustments with Magnification enabled o Rosters - UX Adjustments with Magnification enabled 6.02.0003 - 09/09/2024 PM o Score entry - Adjustments 6.02.0002 - 09/03/2024 PM o Score entry - Adjustments o - Updated 6.02.0001 - 08/30/2024 PM o Installer - Replaced engine 6.01.0013 - 08/29/2024 AM o Reports - Side pots o Reports - General 6.01.0012 - 06/05/2024 AM o Bracket - Max Handicap adjustment o Prize Recalculations- Adjustments for display of prizes o Registration - Adjustments o Score Entry - One game at time entry adjustment o Installer - Updates o Library Updates 6.01.0009 - 05/07/2024 PM o AutoScoring - Critical adjustments for scoring export o Installer - Updates 6.01.0008 - 05/03/2024 PM o Bowler - Optimization of bowler processing for improved speed o Payouts - Issue with locked and scrolling issues o Registration - Issue with locked and scrolling issues 6.01.0007 - 04/30/2024 PM o Backup - Adjustments to files being backed up for a tournament o Bowler - Optimization of bowler processing for improved speed o Games being played issue o Locked tournament messages o Optimizations o Payouts - Improved payout recalculations o Progress screen - Improved status progress when processing bowlers and scores. o Registration - Error displayed o Score Entry - Improved Search 6.01.0006 - 04/25/2024 PM o Improved file management o Improved progress status o Optimizations 6.01.0005 - 04/16/2024 PM - Initial Release o All with All- Adjusted cap so that bowlers from each gender are included in Force Mixed o All with All- capped the number of bowlers processed at 100. o Application - New compiler for full support of Windows 11 23H2 o AutoScoring - Adjustments for instructions for pair mode or single lane o Autoscoring - Adjustments when importing bowlers to a team with a vacant position o Autoscoring - Adjustments in matching bowlers o Backups - Cloud backups now use folders created with Cloud services to store backups. o Backups - Ability to skip prompt for location to save backup as a program preference o Brackets - Group Elimintor BYES together at the bottom of the bracket o Brackets - Removed odd 1st level choices for Eliminator Brackets o Brackets - Corrected Alive List by Name and Set o Brackets - Bracket score sheet didn't have different colors for bowlers that were alive o Brackets - Added a Paid column and blank to Bracket Payout reports o Brackets - Fetch menu items does not import bowlers with suffix or certain nicknames. o Brackets - Access violation when shuffling brackets from Menu. Issue #5274 o Brackets - Added option to change Alive List name order from results o Brackets - Corrected an issue with allowing HDCP bracket from Scratch league - #3863 o Brackets - Adjustments to hints - Issue #4056 o Brackets - Shuffling brackets could cause Range Check error in corner cases - Issue #3939 o Brackets - UX adjustments - Issue #4000 o Brackets - Added a direct menu item to shuffle brackets o Brackets - Elimination of next game ties improved. Issue #1158 o Brackets - Elimination of next game ties. Issue #499 o Brackets - Improved report Issue #1158 o Brackets - Adjustments to alive list o Brackets - Adjustments o Brackets - Payout Adjustments o Brackets - Shuffle Adjustments o Brackets - UX Adjustments o Brackets - Registration adjustments o Brackets - Sorting added for sorting based on first or second shift when 2+2 league. Feature #1357 o Brackets - New report showing bracket configurations. Feature #1357 o Brackets - Added display of bracket description when cursor is in each bracket field. Feature #1340 o Brackets - Bowlers should not be able to be entered more times than rules allow. Issue #1221 o Brackets - Revised Bracket diagram to include MI o Bracket Results - Added a switch that changes the diagram style o Bracket Score Sheet - Changed the way that Bracket Score Sheets are provided scores to make sure that they are the scores for the current squad o Compiler upgrade for general improvements and Windows compatibility o Email - added logging when emails are sent o Email - Adjustments to API's to send GMAIL emails o General - Changed to a more readable screen font in menus and various screens. Feature #1377 o General - Delay in application starting due to checking for updates. Issue #1348 o General - Delay when league opens. Issue #1347 o General Reports - Report engine updates o Gmail - Adjustments to API's to send emails o Installer - New installer / installer technology for full support of Windows 11 22H3 o Internet Settings - Adjustments o Import - Changes to import from file tool o Import - Changed Import from BLS and BTM to import Handicap o Maintenance - Copy->Custom Menu from Prior TBrac doesn't work o Main Menu - Give message for Finance reports when a tournament or squad is not complete o Money representation - Changed negative dollar values to standard accounting format ($xx.xx) instead of <$-xx.xx> o Office365/ - Reworked to new API's to send emails. o Office365/ - Adjustments to prevent requiring multiple sign-ins o Payments - Improvements in bowler payments o Payout Windows adjustments o Payouts - tab should show bowlers that are owed money no matter why they owe it o Payouts - Removed requirement for the tournament pot total to be > 0 to reward prizes o Payouts - Payments to bowler from Registration now correctly reflect "Payment to bowler" o Payouts - Added a list of unfinalized prizes o Payouts - Added Bowler ID to Bowler Payout Worksheet report and form o Payouts - Adjustments o Prize - Ask to finalize all divisions of the pot o Prize Setup - added additional options to "Copy Setup to All Divisions" o Registration - Improved management for registration o Registration - Edit boxes and table work o Registration - Auto fill bowler adjustments o Registration - Resizing adjustment o Registration - Issue entering bowler ID in first name and not pulling up bowler o Registration - Added a method to sort by Entry ID o Registration - Fixed cursor placement when moving to next bowler o Registration - Fixed row postion behavior when removing a bowler o Registration - Fixed a bug that blocked selecting a bowler with the mouse o Registration - Fixed a bug that moved cursor to Last available bracket instead of first available when changing bowlers o Registration - Added move to next bowler behavior when completing payout to improve speed o Registration - Fixed a bug that prevented new bowlers from being created if Options opened before the rest of registration o Registration - CTRL-Page Up and CTRL-Page Down didn't save changes before changing bowler o Registration - Fixed a bug with manual lane assignments of new bowlers o Registration - EZ Registration Update o Registration - Allow side pot checkboxes to be checked using 0-9 keys o Registration - Added method in Bowler Registration to move from bowler to bowler w/o changing the current field. o Registration - Remember sort order o Registration - Remember Last/First setting o Registration - Added a report to list the number of times bowlers are entered in each side pot o Registration - Added a report to list the number of times bowlers are entered in each bracket o Registration - Modified search to include First, Last and Nick names o Registration - Added a Birthday field to Registration form o Registration - Bulk Add/Remove bowlers from pot o Registration - Extended "Paid" comment in Sweeper partners listbox to "Paid Fee" to improve clarity o Registration - Checkboxes should toggle when space bar is used o Registration - Various user interface changes o Registration - Fixed misc. sort issues o Registration - Added numeric keyboard response to side pot entry methods o Registration - Changed Bulk Add/Remove Bowlers to include Tournament pots when they are not manditory o Registration - Reduced time to open Registration o Registration - Updated hot key list o Registration - Suggested Bowler should jump to Lane, not First Name o Registration - Added lock/unlock behavior to bowler specific data fields o Registration - Added a warning when payment information has started but wasn't completed o Registration - Added a bowler detail popup o Registration - Added Division to the bowler information list o Reports - Improved layout of Doubles Side Pot reports o Reports - Tournament Report was always in HDCP order o Reports - Bracket Sign-Up Summary report didn't have enough space for 2 digits o Reports - Report that lists all of the bowler partners in Sweeper and Mystery doubles o Reports - Modified "All Winners Report" to include total winnings o Reports - Replaced "Ave" abbreviation with "Avg" o Reports - Added StrikeOut to displayed disabled pots o Reports - Added half line for financial reports with Initial blank o Rules - Warn if changes are made to a shuffled side pot o Rulebooks - 2023/2024 USBC and CTF Rulebooks o Score Entry - Enabled wheel mouse on table when the table is locked o Score Sheets - Restored bowlers in side pots to print when we print bracket score sheets as we did in TB-2018 o Tournament Setup - Added option to create HDCP/Scratch tournaments for new tournaments when skipping wizard o Transactions - Added Payment ID and Squad o Updater - New updater for app. Now will periodically check on a per application basis for updates. o Utilities - Fixed Email Tournament to Tech Support to attach a backup o Utilities - Added a utility to finalize (complete) any or all squads o UX - Improved menu navigation o UX - Improvements in High HPI support o UX - Score Entry would indicate that the squad was complete after Tournament Reset cleared scores o Windows - Full support of Windows 11 and Windows 10 for consumer Windows o Windows - Full support of Windows 2022 Server, Windows 2019 Server, Windows 2016 Server and Windows 2012 Server for server editions of Windows